Abbaye Pontigny

Création d'un site vitrine pour l'Abbaye de Pontigny


Développement d'un site vitrine pour la promotion de l'Abbaye de Pontigny, qui ré-ouvre ses portes près de 910 ans après sa création

What about you?

Would you like to follow in Fabienne's footsteps? Book your appointment and start building your reputation and clientele right away.

The technologies used on this project


Contentful is a modern, scalable Headless CMS (Content Management System) that makes it easy to create, manage and distribute content across a variety of platforms and applications.


Nuxt.js is a JavaScript framework based on Vue.js, enabling the creation of high-performance, scalable web applications with an SSR (server-side rendering) and CSR (client-side rendering) development approach.

© 2025

61 Rue de Lyon, 75012 Paris

SIREN : 947750402